Copywriting Website Glasgow

A Copywriters website that shows her expertise and personality.

Owner of Magnetic Copy, Emma Greer came to me because she had outgrown her DIY site.

I create a professional yet fun website that complimented Emmas brand and personality, and has brought in more leads.

built in 4 weeks
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I want one!
A floating laptop shows the Magnetic Copy Home page in dark mode. There is a large image of Emma on the left had side, with text and call to action button on the right.
Screenshot of How does it work section in light mode. 3 cards on the right side of the screen explain the steps to work with Emma
Screenshot of How does it work section in dark mode. 3 cards on the right side of the screen explain the steps to work with Emma
Screenshot of Website Copywriting service page in light mode. Page heading a short paragraph on the left with a square image of Emma sitting across the table from a client on the right
Screenshot of Website Copywriting service page in dark mode. Page heading a short paragraph on the left with a square image of Emma sitting across the table from a client on the right
Screenshot in light mode of Magnetic Copys website
Screenshot in dark mode of Magnetic Copys website
Light mode screenshot of Magnetic Copys three packages, Starter, Platinum, and Signature.
Dark mode screenshot of Magnetic Copys three packages, Starter, Platinum, and Signature.
Lightmode screenshot from About page. An arched image of Emma with the title "Hi, I'm Emma"
Dark mode screenshot from About page. An arched image of Emma with the title "Hi, I'm Emma"
Light mode screenshot of website section explaining the benefits of great copywriting. Arched image of Emma writing in a notebook on the right of the screen.
Dark mode screenshot of website section explaining the benefits of great copywriting. Arched image of Emma writing in a notebook on the right of the screen.
5 mobile screens showing different pages of Magnetic Copy in both light and dark mode. The colour palette for the site is Black and white with red accents.
3 pages from Magnetic Copy's website in light mode showing the Home and About page, and FAQ section
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A design that matches the words

Founded in 2021, Magnetic Copy has gone from strength to strength in the few years it's been running, specialising in writing copy with personality - taking the essence of her clients and splashing it across the screen.

Emma had created her first website on her own, and whilst it worked fine, she never felt that it reflected her personality, or showcased her company as professionally as she'd like - something that so many businesses struggle with. She knew she liked her brand colours, and fonts, but when it came to having a fun yet professional site, Emma couldn't get the results from her DIY site that she was looking for.

Photo taken from behind a blonde woman using Magnetic Copies old website. A busy menu at the top of the page shows 8 navigation links. A black background underneath contains a heading and subheading in white writing

So, what are you looking for?

Before working together, Magnetic Copy's site was missing that all too elusive something. Whilst it had all the right colours, and professional photos, it didn't reflect Emmas personality, or her business the way she wanted it to.

Emma needed:

  • A site she was proud to share with the world
  • A CMS system that was easy to create blog posts on
  • Up to date services and reviews
  • An easy way for prospects to book a call with her

You've seen the pictures, but check out some of the results Magnetic Copy has seen since working together 👇

The Results

Appearing on Page One in Google

One of the top thing's we want for our websites, is to rank well. Now anyone searching for a copywriter in Glasgow will come across Magnetic Copy straight away.

Faster Speed

Unlike the old website, Magnetic Copy has been developed and is hosted by Webflow. No plugins and a space on Amazons AWS servers means Emma no longer loses out on enquiries due to slow loading times.

Increase in Organic Enquiries

Emma's had new enquiries through her website, leading to high value clients and retainer work!

Book a Discovery Call

Interested in working with me? Great!

Let's jump on a quick 20 minute video call where we will briefly cover:

  • Which services you're interested in
  • Your brand or website's current status
  • Your business goals

If we both feel that we’re a good fit to work together, we will make plans to kickoff your project, or training.

Book a call directly using the Calendar, or open calendly using the button below.

You can also email me at

Book a Discovery Call