November 26, 2021

When Should Businesses Audit Their Website?

"Why should I audit my site?"

Audits are basically one of those "business things" that everyone has to do every now and then, because they show us the little cracks that we maybe didn't know were there.

Your website is like the home for your business. And in the same way that you’ll make updates and add new items to your home, the overall flow, feel and aesthetic of your website is crucial to it being an inviting part of the internet that people are happy to stay on. 

Which is why an audit every so often is super beneficial! 

Like sitting in your living room and thinking “that chair’s kinda in the way of the cupboard” or “the cushions really don’t match the new curtains”, having a thorough look at your website and thinking of how you can improve it can only lead to good things 😊

But enough of the interior metaphors - let’s talk business! 

4 Questions to ask yourself when auditing your website: 

At the end of the day, your business has a brand. Whether you’ve thoughtfully designed it or not, it’s there. So when you’re looking at your website as a whole, ask yourself these 4 questions. 

❓How accurately does the website represent my brand and business as a whole?

❓Does it show me and the company as an industry expert or professional?

❓Is it easy for users to navigate and find what they’re looking for?

❓What changes will help improve conversion rates?

If the answer is positive to questions 1-3, and an easy “None, it’s great!” to question 4 then you are good to go! Pop back into your website at least once a year and repeat the process, so you can make sure your website is truly reflecting your business brand.

If you’re unsure, read on...

Why do I need a website audit?

By conducting a simple audit, you can identify areas where your website needs a little TLC. Here are some common issues and how a website audit can help you find the solution.

“I’m getting less traffic than I used to”

Something that pretty much every business in the world has to deal with is making sure they appear in Google Search results. In order to rank high, you want to make sure you’re answering someone's question that they’ve typed into the search engine, and one of the best ways to do that is by using keywords. What are your customers searching for that would lead them to you? A great free tool is Answer the Public which allows you 2 free searches every day to test out key words, and see what questions people are putting into Google. 

Once you know what words they’re using in their search, you can start to include those in your site - so then you’ll be back in the search results!

“I’m getting traffic to my website, but barely any conversions”

If you’re getting less conversions every month, are all of your links working? This is such a common issue, and you’re not alone if this is the case. I’ve seen massive accounts sharing a link to book onto a workshop or read an article, and the link is down. So first thing’s first - check your links. 

Another thing here, could be how informative your site is. Do I have a strong idea, within the first 5 seconds of landing on your site who you are, and what you do? Make sure that the top section of every page on your site has a relative photo and a clear heading which tells the user what service or products you offer. 

Is everything where the user expects it to be? Say for example I’ve come across your site, and I’m interested in popping by to talk to someone. I see a link in your navigation called “Where We Are” - perfect! Except “Where We Are” is actually your “About Us” page, telling me that you’re a small business in Glasgow, why you started and more about you as a company. And your story might be great, but that’s not the reason I’m on this page - I actually want to know where you are, i.e., your address. Make sure that all of your page titles are relevant to what the user is looking for. 

“I get a lot of questions on social media about products, why is nobody using my site?

Social media is brilliant for sharing your products, and since so many of us are always on Instagram or Facebook, it’s a great way to introduce people to your business. However, your website should be where people go to find out more. If they’re consistently sending you messages, you might need to make sure that your website is sharing enough information. Are you showing the most up to date products, or am I being forced to see all of the “out of stock” items? Are your prices available? Look at the common questions that clients are asking you, and make sure you’re putting the answers on your site. 

My humble opinion

At the end of the day, conducting an audit is always going to help your business. Maybe all you need to do is remove an out of date offer or swap out some photos, but once you’ve done that you know that customers are only seeing what you want them to. Maybe there’s a few more issues that you weren’t even aware of - but now you will be. 

So get auditing guys! Only good can come of it.

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